North West

Welcome to the National Association of Healthcare Fire Officers (NAHFO)

NAHFO Northwest Branch acts as the voice of those associated with healthcare fire safety across the Northwest Region

Working closely with other organisations to promote the highest standards of fire safety within healthcare environments. This web site serves as a communication forum to assist in this objective. NAHFO has been established for over 30 years and in this time its members helped to shape the guidance and legislation used in healthcare today.

Our Objectives


To promote

and encourage the furtherance of the highest standards of fire safety in healthcare premises.


To improve

the status and prospects of the Health Service Fire Officers, including a career structure.


To afford

facilities for training and the collation and dissemination of information to members.


To establish

liaison with other bodies on matters of common interest where this is consistent with the objectives of the Association.


We work with other fire organisations

To best achieve its objectives, NAHFO works very closely with other UK fire safety organisations and is considered as an authority in healthcare fire safety, NAHFO is made up of 13 regional Branches with a National Executive Committee that oversees the running of the organisation.

The membership includes NHS Trust Fire Safety Officers and Advisors, NHS Fire Safety Managers, Local Authority Fire and Rescue Service Officers, private healthcare fire officers and others who have a direct responsibility for fire safety within, or associated to healthcare settings.